Friday, March 31, 2017

Taking Control Over Risk

Risk management is seen as one of the most, if not the most, important elements in trading. As any successful trader knows, preserving your capital is crucial to your survival in markets. This is why ActivTrades offers its clients a very useful and helpful solution for every trader, regardless of their level.

The free tool is called SmartCalculator and it does a number of good things. You can calculate your expected return by setting a Take profit order and the allowed loss by setting a Stop loss order.

Basically, you write down your capital, choose a leverage and base currency and then enter the trade info - instrument, lots (goes to 0.01) and the position side - buy or sell. Then you insert open price, TP and SL and the system shows you important data as Pip value, potential gain and loss etc.

It's definitely worth checking, for those interested just go HERE.