Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump is President of the United States

The American people have spoken - and the American people have elected their new leader, Donald Trump. The whole campaign did not look good for Trump, he lost all three debates, did not receive the support of current US President Obama and was not taken seriously by the media and research agencies.

During the Election day it looked good for Hillary Clinton but near the end all changed. All changed utterly as Trump won Florida, Ohio, North Carolina. No media or agency expected the outcome of this Election and now the world digests the historic result, i.e. Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton refused to make a public appearance but she did give a call to Trump to congratulate him and concede the election.

The markets reacted sharply to initial results that showed Trump is in the lead, the US dollar depreciated rapidly imitating the  Brexit result but now everything is back to prior-election day levels. A classic buy the rumor, sell the fact scenario.

It will be an exciting 4 year period.


  1. The next four years will certainly be interesting.

  2. The Trump's effect is surprising!
    The market believes in his words:
    "A stronger economy anywhere in the world"

  3. It will be dramatic 4 years period.

  4. Lets wait and see for the after match.

  5. Exciting? I'm not sure but definitely will be interesting.
